Tuesday, November 27, 2007
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Mount And Blade Relationship With Faction
Curicó team was low on the score 0 to 3 for most of the game, thanks to a penalty converted by the representative of the capital during the first fraction through his No. 10 Rubén Valdebenito, and almost had the win, but for an onslaught spectacular global selection M19 Fabio Rodriguez, in last seconds of the game, who literally ran over defenders to score the 5 points that allowed him to lift the trophy Feruchi Curico.
The final standings of the tournament, played in its entirety on the court of the Federation of Rugby of Chile are:
1 º Curicó
2 º Santiago
3 º Concepción
4 º Valparaiso
5 º Araucanía
6 The Serena
7 º Cachapoal
8 Temuco
The results of the day were:
Sunday, November 25
Semifinal 5th-8th place La Serena v / s Cachapoal 15-0
Semifinal 5th-8th PLACE
Araucania v / s Temuco 5 to 0
Semifinal 1 to 4 ° PLACE Curico v / s Conception 18-0
Semifinal 1 to 4 ° PLACE Santiago v / s Valparaiso 13-3
7 th and 8 th PLACE Cachapoal v / s Temuco 31-0
5 and 6 PLACE La Serena v / s Araucania 10 to 5
3rd and 4th place Concepcion v / s Valparaiso 7-5 FINAL
Curico v / s James 5-3
Saturday, November 24
PN · Time
2 11:40 B 0-12 SANTIAGO v / s CACHAPOAL
3 12:20 21-14 Temuco v / s LA SERENA 0 -18 4 13:00
5 13:40 A VALPARAISO v / s LA SERENA -0
June 12 14:20 B SANTIAGO v / s 10 -0
ARAUCANIA 7 15:00 A Temuco v / s CURICO 0 -29 CACHAPOAL
8 15:40 B v / s CONCEPCION
0 -17 9 16:20 A LA SERENA v / s CURICO
0 -38 10 SANTIAGO B v 17:00 / s CONCEPCION 17 -5
11 17:20 A VALPARAISO v / s TEMUCO
-0 17 12 18:00 B CACHAPOAL v / s ARAUCANIA
8-19 +
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sanyo Eneloop In Sony Charger
PS: if you can not notice 24 hours prior to this mail or a call is 77756066 responsible only so things turn out.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Drak Hair, Green Eyes

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
7158 Bulb Philips Canada
continue this week with the section that videoencuesta much like its first edition, as they accuse the nearly 300 votes to register my PollDaddy poll , although my choice of the Fijian Dalassau remato not among the first, is more finalized, I will not compromise what I consider a spectacular try and also was the goal that gave perhaps the most unexpected World Cup victory and defeat elimination of Wales by the islanders considerdo outside rugby patricians. I remain very, very happy with the level of participation and the number of visits the video counter and total fearlessness, the percentage favored a luke Mac Calister and ordered as follows:
What is the best individual try of the World
- Mac Callister v / s France 37% (108 votes) Havana
- v / s Samoa 13% (37 votes) Williams
- v / s Fiji 7% (20 votes)
- Chabal v / s Namibia 30% (88 votes)
- Dalassau v / s Wales 12% (36 votes)
Total Votes: 289
Anyway this week I give you the second edition, New tryes, but this time collective invoice, if the best World Cup tryes, but where the common factor is that the ball passes through many hands of a team, are the most me excited by the colorful display of their game and the collective expression of our game, these many are in the collective memory of our rugby today, I try the game for the U.S. to aprtio from 5 own and I like the time which apparently the 2nd is taken out CONUN Hand-off to South Africa as a puppet and then the ball going through all i is, in fact everyone is very good and they all start from its 22 to get to the outside ingoal ...... to vote has been said
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A sleek and comfortable task had the 15 miners in that looked like a complicated visit to the palace of the kings 2007 penquista Rugby, Bulls, University of Bio Bio.
The varsity debut his title, received the past week before the Vieux Galouses good team with a score of 27 to 13 on the final day in tineo park. Meanwhile
miners came from a winning streak, 33-31 to Vieux Galouses, 35-3 at U of america and a resounding 44-7 before the alumni of Wessex (Old Saxon's), but the task would not be so easy, at least said so the role of champion of the UBB.
But on the court are the roosters "as the popular proverb and both teams came out with their best people, just missed you Palt UBB, Toloza and Mendoza and miners work commitments could not be Francisco" Pup "Mardones, but after an initial nervousness and a penalty of Ubb (such as starting college team against another UDLA) actions were during the first half to the area with annotated carbon leandor Diaz, Jean Set, Jonathan Chavez went to Miera comfortable rest with a comfortable 35-3.
the way back in the second half Bulls came in with all the desire to reverse the meeting was noted especially in the provision of pelearle all the balls in the scrum, miners dominated platform with the line throughout the first phase, and the university did it turned several scrum but loose game is another facet in which miners exerted a strong pressure and not enough to focus the fight bulls in formations that it earned them uqe lost them in the rucks, maul and horn were intercepted by the excellent pair of centers that made Diaz and Adjust
who became the delight of the audience, which mostly went to support mining. At the end of the public who attended the meeting to be held with the party obtaining the scepter of champion retired after seeing a solid performance of 15 burbot and colonel who won 41 points difference after fianl 51-8 with the game is structured, where 8 and 7 coronelinos gave Lotina uan good rugby lesson that warns what could be coming for 2008 if the team wears T-shirts from 15 lions youth involved in the campeonao of the association of Concepcion. Miners
formed with:
Reyes (chakal), rock, Badilla, Chakal, loyal, bruised (default), lisse (Varela), aguilera,
quezada, villegas, chavez (montecinos), diaz, adjust, Noodles (lead) , Villa (Herrera)
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even in all its lines, besides having people on the bench fulfilled to perfection. Forwards to get all our balls with confidence and push the opponent's balls greatly, in addition to leave environmentally clean balos scrum.
A line of backs that tackles and going forward.
's not all good things must also correct the mistakes, some that I saw are for example
"The lack of tackle in the opening, allowing the opponent to win the advantage line, it is easy to correct, just more attitude and determination.
"The excessive concern of some players by the referee's fees, a look we should understand that this is not a Pichanga RUGBY and football in which any disrespect for authority.
Each of us knows where the shoe pinches. It is time to correct these errors absurd and stupid. A hug to everyone and continue training.
see you later.
Richard Apollonius: "the only part where success comes before work is in the dictionary"
miners all, I just see the emails coming to travez the "black" rock and I'm not surprised that the bulls want to go to Santiago to play after leaving champions in conception.
when a team goes well, I assure you all are partakers of greater things. but not a "CLUB".
when you know thousands of people who enjoy your victories, friends, family, girlfriend, and a thousand more people that greet you on the street and congratulate you for what you feel super accomplished.
but the difference between a team and a club that welcomes those people you have finished playing but lost by 80 pts. and gives you encouragement to continue to insist and train although the training come rain 9 and 25 who are disgusted parties not to play.
miners is a project that is being put up by the generosity of black and his family for the weekend and the black days of training with us. SE LO steal YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS. and those are things that are valued more than winning a championship or in santiago chile.
show this afternoon that the race is another breed mining and those old men down at 6 in the morning 2 or 3 kilometers beneath the sea had steel eggs weighing more than a cup given by President Aruca.
miners in Chile is KILLING THE RUGBY, we're trying to revive in the halls emergency of colonel and burbot. have materials (and best), we have the staff (and best), we only need to have that life saving and life that will save this year, not a game, not winning a championship, not by going to play santiago . win it with perseverance and effort.
one day wrote a trainer:
"the only part where success comes before work is in the dictionary"
Single Post force, are part of a story, one way or another today
at night we will be watching the game and screaming weas by miners. Greetings
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Howe To Paint My Ski Helmet

a) National Youth Championship:
- Each club should send their pre-selected to Training on Wednesday 14 at 19.30 Hrs. in Tineo Park. On this occasion the coaches involved Mario Contreras (U de Concepción), Gabriel Andía (Old John's) and Paul Lewis (Los Backs, if your injury permitting). There shall specify the dates of the training later. I recall that the tournament be held in Santiago on 24 and 25 November, which is reserved for players born in 1988 and 1989 and that we should only pay for the tickets, as Feruchi pays for accommodation and subsistence.
The shortlisted by our rugby are
- Diego Villegas Milano
- Lisse
- Juan Pablo Villa
Andres Mora Marcos Machuca
Mining rugby players (lions and mining) integrate the regional selection
b) a side Seve ARUCA - Adult
- Please Please confirm your participation by their clubs for this medium. The tournament will be held on Sunday 25, in a court specially set up in the Valley of Paicaví, sponsored by Real Estate Las Mercedes. The company is working with the utmost seriousness for this event which fully financed all the requirements that the president asked (snacks, third time, prizes, gifts, etc..) And clubs are opportunities as we can not ignore to follow having support of these businesses. I remember Old John'sy
Logs can put 2 teams each and the rest of the clubs 1.
In the case of our rugby was extended a tentative invitation, which will be effective if that any team involving the competancia this 2007 declined to participate.
Miners facing the champion
This Thursday at 7:30 in the university's court on 15 mining bio bio faced with the champion on a visit that will not be nothing friendly since premiered his college team title in this friendly game while the area of \u200b\u200bthe carbon come from a string of wins in friendlies during the month of September and October.
good attendance is expected for this match it will not be present on the side of the yellow compormisos Francisco Mardones by labor, Camel by injury the rest of the team is prepared para demostrar en este cotejo que esta para cosas grandes la proxima temporada.
Los jugadores estan citados alas 6:30 en las instalaciones de la casa de estudios.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Breast Itch Broken Blood Vessels