Friday, December 31, 2010

Thank Vermeil Cartier

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gym For Rent Michigan

The pervert is back

year to dismiss the class ... hahahaha ... A couple of cartoons rushed.

Modesty first.

This is love. It must be love.

----------------------------------------------- ---------------

And speaking of goodbye, I will try to get rid of as many paintings as possible in the coming months. The prices remataré really stupid, and do not leave, will be donated, recycled or destroyed. This is not to be too fucked up, but I need to forget this step and start from scratch with a new dedicated and professional approach. If you know someone - a friend's cousin for example - that might be remotely interested in any of the exhibits in this blog (except those specified as sold), this is the time! Thanks for visiting my little blog, and the occasional comment. Pachangas Happy New Year. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Severe Pain Underneath Left Buttock

Diogenes syndrome. Drawings.

These studies, notes, sketches ... bah, only cartoons rapid, detailed and confusing, leading to a series of paintings titled "The Diogenes syndrome." Because when I see this puppy, así como a los demás perros que han pasado por mi vida y por mis trazos en los últimos dos años, sólo puedo pensar en dicho trastorno .

Friday, December 17, 2010

Save The Date 50th Birthday

16 million soles will be given to teacher certification Invitation

--- -
16 million soles will be given to teacher certification

The 2011 budget of the University San Agustin National contemplates a game of 16 million soles to pay for the approval of the professors of this university. Thus, the budget of 144 million soles this year will increase to 160 million in the next.
According to university authorities, although the amount is important, still need five million suns to pay, so they could discuss shortly how to complete the requirement.

should be noted that of 144 million soles budgeted for this year, 120 million came from mining royalties, most of which resources were used for research and different procedures.

A few days after the end of 2010, representatives of the Augustinian house reported that academic work will be extended until 31 January, anticipating that the opening of the academic year 2011 to be in the second week of April.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Spinning Bike Pads Squeak

Dr. Ivan Montes: Psychology and Pedagogy Conference and standards Learning

--- Dr. Ivan Montes Invitation

Psychology and Pedagogy Conference and the Standards of Learning

A renowned psychologist and a great researcher in the areas of cognitive psychological sciences, and education. Current Rector of the Universidad La Salle, which will open next year based in Arequipa.

Join Free.
Location: Professional School of Communication Sciences - UNSA.
Time Location: 3:00 pm
Time: 3:30 pm

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baby Had Cough For 5 Weeks But Chest Clear

For the "heroes" who gave us country

...Y por los cabrones que nos la quitaron, pero sobre todo, por los antihéroes que la amamos como es.

Hace unas semanas tuve el privilegio, el lujo, el recontrachingado honor de colaborar con Miguel Poucel - uno de los pocos individuos que tiene derecho a llamarse artista - en un mural de corte ligeramente tendencioso, para conmemorar Bicentennial National Codependency and the Centennial of the Mexican revolt. No less important, refers to the parade led by Governor Enrique Peña Nieto, who broke a Guinness record and everything. This mural was unveiled this afternoon at the headquarters of the PRI, in Toluca, Mex.

But the ride is not only worthy of the Guinness records, this mural of five panels had to be done in just two weeks. Several factors came together to make this a relatively successful efforts: The resolution and master planning, training expressionist Siqueiros Maestrazo hand, the help of a servant, and of course, hunger, which is the fault of the PAN lost decade, "according to the speech he gave today the president of the PRI in Mexico State. I reserve my comments. Eeeen end ...

Poucel horses used as an expression of indescribable emotions, as no body can ever express. Solid flesh, soft, stony and pure oxygen atmosphere, are one substance in a world that gravitates to its own laws. This painting also has a curious feature that I find it fascinating, others may not notice and / or worth their mother, the distortion which gives to the faces of Villa, Zapata and Carranza, who makes them appear "muddy" - justified by the gravitational pull of the horse - creates a perspective that would make Siqueiros polyangular feel orgullosito of his bastard son. In my opinion, this piece is too valuable to be reserved for the few bureaucrats in the Vatican of the party. As they say deluded lovers, "to see what time tells."

As my personal blog, then show only the approaches of the parties painted by me: The Pictures of Madero, Fabela, a bearded Santa Claus appears, Hidalgo, the magistrate, Iturbide, Morelos, Guerrero, founder of the PRI (I forget his name), Plutarco Elias Calles (?!), the governor, the president of the PRI , a parade, a church, a chapel, a monument, a dark sky, and not much else. It is my drawing and my stroke, but not my composition, much less my idea. Just for me to give me some credit, because no other method will.

depend on the media for publishing the best photos in the set, and is in the hands of Miguel if you want to unlock the secrets in the symbolism Plate. I like to know them, but this blog does not burn anyone, right?!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Is An Emu Bronte Boot And An Emu Stinger

metrosexual I have a boyfriend ... (lol), 2010 Women

More than a diptych, is a partner. The charolazo is that the paint is fresh and will continue for some time (do not buy oil paintings Amsterdam, seriously, not worth the tube in which are embedded). I think that is not finished, but will replace the picture later, if necessary.

... The title was the first thing that occurred to me. I think that sexuality does not accept limits, but the metrosexual (straight male is said to take care of your appearance even more so than a female obsession) is a phenomenon that I find unattractive. My boyfriend is not metrosexual, on the contrary, is man enough to be left to a cosmetic treatment in the face, and not without struggle before. Now that's sexy. Anyway ...

As this is painting, behind it all is a philosophical reflection or something like that: What is beauty? What should we do to achieve it? It has been said that beauty lies in the symmetry, the uniformity, youth, simplicity, adornment ... But I think not.

In this case, the beauty of these characters is their symmetry / asymmetry, or the green cake deal to beautify your skin. Not in his youth, or their clothes, or sparkling personality. The real beauty lies in the fact that go together, facing each other, and everyone knows behind the mask of avocado with tea tree, the other is beautiful. Do I make myself clear?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Black Circles In Lcd Tv Screen

************************************** ***************************
SolidWorks Course
Learn how to design with SolidWorks models and current CAD systems.

What is SolidWorks?
software is the best 2D and 3D mechanical design. Its power lies in the 3D and the amount of mechanical operations that can be done with it. If you want to do a big project and do not know how to begin to build it because it is difficult not having the right tools, quiet! SolidWorks there is much you can save the time and you can simulate your project, and even control its operation and the best thing is that parametric design, which means parametric, therefore, that if you modify a segment, an entity, an operation etc ... amending both his piece in its entirety, as the assembly, his drawing, so giving us a very good workability.

can be used for drawing plans for 3D parts, assemblies, full sound, etc. A solid turn can export to other work environments such as LabView, Matlab, Cosmos, Working Model, Visual Nastran, etc, and thus make kinematic analysis, dynamic, material strength, etc.

SolidWorks Application Example:
- Simulation of a biped robot controlled using MATLAB:

- Control arm 5 degrees of freedom:

HOME: November 28
COST: S /. Soles 100.00 **
TIME: Sundays from 9:00 to 1:00
DURATION: 20 Hours
TEACHER: Arturo Cubas, AutoDESK certificate

* To take this course do not need prior knowledge, only the handling of the PC so it is suitable for all types of student Engineering of any cycle.
** You can make payment in 2 parts, first part of S /. 50.00 soles after 2 weeks the rest.

More Information:
Universidad Nacional del Callao - Hall Laboratories of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics - 3rd floor of the building of laboratories - Avenida Juan Pablo II s / n Bellavista - Callao / / Cel: 991 417 700 (clear)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cute Picnik Quotes Anyone

before I

Selfportrait with grandmother
, 2010. Oil on paper, 50 x 32.5 cm.

A Avelina Morales. The woman who took care of me, bathed me, gave me a bottle and changed my diapers until 4 years. Granted, the end of his life was marred by insanity, but deserves to be remembered as the great person she was: beautiful, elegant, devout, with a great vocation to love and patience out of this world. Quinceañera eternal love with Pedro Infante, mother of six, loving grandmother of many others, and a second mother to me when my mother was first in the cantina. That's how I remember you, "Mom Veli" and if your faith had a point, there is only Heaven because you're there. Do not know anyone else who deserves it.

left me more than love and good memories: I have inherited your thighs. And despite what some say, my co-dependency had nothing to do with you. :)

Avelina, 2010 (list). Oil on paper, 50 x 32.5 cm.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How Long Do You Live With A Bowel Obstruction

How to plan a mural. Tutorials vibe for any occasion. On 24 September

Some people have asked them to give painting lessons. As time is always a mere crack, or prefer to obtain information on the net, I think the most convenient for all is to provide a small number of online tutorials on topics and recurring problems in the paint. On this occasion, we will examine step by step procedure for planning a decorative wall, say, a temperate forest in the interior of a restaurant *.

Step 1. Take pictures of the place. Preferably put a dude of 1.80 m against the wall to serve as human scale. Failure to have on hand a guy like that, then .... do not know.

Step 2. Draw to scale major focus of the format, using your intuition and / or the ancient formula of the golden section. Draw a composition network that spans these points. The wise elders recommend starting the mural to not less than 80 cm above the ground, otherwise the weight of the image fall on the bottom of the wall, thus giving the mother to the assessment of your painting. If you are graffiti, skip this step and jump into action.

Step 3. Learn to paint landscapes. This step may take 20 years. Once they have decided that ...

Step 4. Enter forest elements in the composition. Each item must have a reason, so if you do not know where to put a happy tree or a bird, get a good reason to be there:

Step 5. Saca to your inner Bob Ross.

* WTF? To my knowledge, nobody has successfully solved the problem of painting a forest in interior walls. The results are often very kitsch, and totally forgettable. But look how far we take this tutorial.

Next deliveries : How to Plan a Wall (II), How to draw uncomfortable sex scenes, and learn to draw human excreta.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The House Of Snowboard Shop

not forget ... do you? Most IN

"It takes a lifetime to become young." Picasso (?).

Today is October 5, 2010. I returned from the future to publish something on September 24, because - strangely enough - I forgot to give me clubs that day. Nothing but a picture is arranged makeshift 3 October and a time machine called the blog.

I met 27 years. You, the "little kids" will wonder what on earth is held so close to the 30, age of maiden aunts of his people. As well, there it is: I feel better, look better and even better than I do stupid things 10 years ago, although as yet I continue to ask for official identification in some "entertainment centers" for adults. Celebrate another year with my beloved Chucho, and the emergence of a new fragrance to set the new sweet-scented memories. And citrus. We must conclude that my parents are still alive, and far from being senile, do not stop fuck. Welcome to my circle of friends has been reduced to people absolutely fucking great, bright and talented, which means that if not all together in a peda is because we do not tolerate drunk and I'm very roe limpiar después. Pero los quiero. Y a este punto, mis enemigos se han reducido a polvo.

Ah, otra cosa. Mi propósito de año nuevo era tener propósitos, y...¡Ya los tengo!

1. Seguir trabajando, aunque me tome otros 20 años, para ser todo lo que aquella niñita de 8 años quería ser de grande. Barbie, Rambo, Greg Louganis y Frida Kahlo juntos. OK, tal vez cambie algunas cosas.

2. Aunque el trabajo de mi novio es peor que comer bebés, evitaré que se convierta en un obstáculo para profesar mi amor a todas horas y darle vida cada vez más. ¿Sabes qué, cabrón? Te amo aunque seas vengador nocturno y bebas sangre de niños. (Bueno, también try to understand well their occupation).

3. Compose a song. Complete. And that does not begin with "amooor cocoon."

4. Let go of those little resentments and minor trauma. As we all (as) those (as) fucking (as) child (ren) of the ... I mean, yes, let them go.

5. Be graduated, but do tell me Master.

6. Making identification tendency to ask me last 3 years and kicking the next kid to tell me "ma'am."

Congratulations, Monty! Cheers

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What After Rock 6 Lava Planet Poptropica

Ah, how I love magazines socialite! Everyone knows that what matters to be young is to attend a good university (ie, one that has its own McDonald's, Subway and C & A, essential infrastructure for an education audience), dress fashion, socializing with the crème de la crème, use gadgets at the forefront and have fun at the best clubs in the city. Of course that was pure sarcasm, but hey, it is important to enjoy life as you win the Regal. So I decided to start my own magazine with beautiful people. This month IN default:


Espergencia Briagadales Liebermann celebrates 22 years in one of the best dens of the city, accompanied by his inseparable friend Jean-Paul Etilio connard-Shwartzmann and 200 guests who danced to reggaeton to wear the buttocks and merge into a big ass rough.

"All my friends are career as sexy and we love out of the antrum as every you can, plus I love as much and I love these people to my birthday," said Espergencia. "I think people who scoff as our way of life, we have as much envy. would be nice as being exceeded, as improve your outfit and learn to have fun like us, right? "

Photo: Montse Díaz Luna. the camera is screwed up and had to use óleopastel. Here we see Espergencia and Jean-Paul, the kings of the track.

Yamaha Rx-v363 Mexico Df

More ... fected

This roll family continues. Because behind every great family, is a monkey trying to portray. Well, not always.