Hace unas semanas tuve el privilegio, el lujo, el recontrachingado honor de colaborar con Miguel Poucel - uno de los pocos individuos que tiene derecho a llamarse artista - en un mural de corte ligeramente tendencioso, para conmemorar Bicentennial National Codependency and the Centennial of the Mexican revolt. No less important, refers to the parade led by Governor Enrique Peña Nieto, who broke a Guinness record and everything. This mural was unveiled this afternoon at the headquarters of the PRI, in Toluca, Mex.
But the ride is not only worthy of the Guinness records, this mural of five panels had to be done in just two weeks. Several factors came together to make this a relatively successful efforts: The resolution and master planning, training expressionist Siqueiros Maestrazo hand, the help of a servant, and of course, hunger, which is the fault of the PAN lost decade, "according to the speech he gave today the president of the PRI in Mexico State. I reserve my comments. Eeeen end ...
Poucel horses used as an expression of indescribable emotions, as no body can ever express. Solid flesh, soft, stony and pure oxygen atmosphere, are one substance in a world that gravitates to its own laws. This painting also has a curious feature that I find it fascinating, others may not notice and / or worth their mother, the distortion which gives to the faces of Villa, Zapata and Carranza, who makes them appear "muddy" - justified by the gravitational pull of the horse - creates a perspective that would make Siqueiros polyangular feel orgullosito of his bastard son. In my opinion, this piece is too valuable to be reserved for the few bureaucrats in the Vatican of the party. As they say deluded lovers, "to see what time tells."

depend on the media for publishing the best photos in the set, and is in the hands of Miguel if you want to unlock the secrets in the symbolism Plate. I like to know them, but this blog does not burn anyone, right?!

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