In fact, the blog of a friend inspired me recently to write about personal matters, my me. Here is a small "manifesto" that I just happen.

I do not consider myself an artist. Well, for all practical purposes will call me and others, for example, if I have to apply for financial support to a foundation for artists in distress. But it'll be a miserable lot. If anything, it might be a hartista , but do not get along completely with the ideals of that proposal.
Yes I dare to call a painter, because I think if your life has done some paintings had a fair percentage of you have the right to call Painter (Vermeer painted about 20 paintings during his life, all remarkable, while my neighbor has painted about 60 paintings, all rotten.) However, painting is a job that allows me not to call me "artist." For starters, what the hell is art?
Why there is no precise definition for the word "Art"? On TV artists called Bobby Larios, Martha Chapa Thalia and equally, for the geeks no higher art than the comics and video games; for "artists" to graduate, it is only art that aa can theorize from their beliefs and values. For "artists" almost nothing is art - ironic? - But from other points of view (I know because I've heard), things as diverse as graphic design, industrial design, advertising, modeling, reggaeton and bullfighting, are art. And guess what? I think everyone is right, I like it or not. You want the title of "artists"? Quédenselo the hell is the gift!
conclude that if there is no precise definition, it is because Art is not an invention that has remained constant over time. From my point of view, art is something that is born every day or every moment, and every time is a different thing: One day is an abstract painting, the next day is a box of shoes. Of course I like to see painting, but I love it when artists write about other passions. For me, art is not elitist or exclusive, much less subjective ... just a matter of finding and learning to love the essence of things. Corny, right? But this is the definition that leaves me more at ease with my resume. HATE
artists. Crafty ball, how dare exclude the rest of humanity?
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