Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Youtopmoivs Ladylibertine 1983

Cabanillas: An Eternal Master died

... Pedro Ortiz Cabanillas

died March 21 Dr. Pedro Ortiz Cabanillas, teacher of several generations of doctors, teachers and psychologists, an attentive teacher questions from students and great collaborator, I never heard a NO if you are requesting a conference or lecture or a few words, transcribed as published on the website of the facu and the words of Dr. Lupe Garcia.
It is a great teacher, is a good example, his books, his theories, more information here:

vivienda universitaria vivienda universitaria

Dr. PEDRO ORTIZ CABANILLAS . (1933 - 2011)


community Psychological San Marcos pays tribute sensitive the teacher focused human qualities wisdom, humility and moral behavior in university classrooms, as always remember him for his lectures and interest in establishing the link neuroscience, psychology, humanities and social sciences, integrated personality.

These tracks have been sealed in the academic world of psychology, medicine and education, all universities who had the privilege of hearing and he was invited as a distinguished teacher.

What we are the generation of 70 fondly remember Dr. Pedro Ortiz, who in 1973-74 admission to school psychology, invited by the students, to take on the subject of psycholinguistics because we had knowledge of his career in Clinical Neurology at the University of Newscatle Upon Tyne, England and a specialty in neuropsychology in Oxford.

The merits of academic and professional Dr. Ortiz was enriched by professional and trade responsibilities as a doctor in the Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, and his leadership as President of the Peruvian Society of Neurology 1982-1983 and Dean of the Medical Association of Peru (1987); in academia started teaching neuroscience and perfecting studies at the graduate School of Medicine, San Fernando, in the Masters and Doctorate levels.

His contribution to the initial training of psychologists in medical schools, was extended to graduate Psychology, forming generations of professionals in a period of 38 years of successful education.

With a broad scientific, Dr. Ortiz has national and international significance, with the publication of the following books: Personality System (1994), the formation of personality (1997), the conscious level of Memory (1998), speech and language staff (2002), introduction to a psychobiology of man (2004-2010), the conscious level of personal activity (2004), social ethics for moral development of educational institutions and Health (2009), education and personality development (2008), among many scientific publications.

The Peruvian government through the Ministry of Education in 2007 gave the Palmas Magisterial Amauta the degree of which is the highest award a teacher in Peru, the same way his alma mater, San Marcos, in 2010 awarded him the Medal of Honor San Marcos, recently established in gratitude to the most outstanding teachers, also receiving awards from other universities in Peru.

Dr. Pedro Ortiz Cabanillas you will always live in our hearts as a fingerprint and an example for all generations.

Ciudad Universitaria, March 21, 2011

Dr. Lupe GarcĂ­a Ampudia


School of Psychology


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