Latin American Congress of Psychology Students
"Bringing to the students in psychology to evaluate, redesign, develop and discuss proposals for signs to enable sustainable development of national projects that allow us to strengthen the social structure through the reorganization of the students in psychology. "
"The Latin American Congress of Psychology, will become a national and international position and assess the role of psychologists in Latin America."
promote the integration, exchange active and reflective students and professionals in psychology Latin America, taking into account the situation that in the countries of the region in order to perform analysis and proposals.
Bringing community psychology students and professionals in national and international levels to strengthen academic ties, scientific and personal.
Promote the academic, scientific and psychological community personnel in general from specific proposals to the reality in Latin America.
promote discussion of different theoretical approaches and their appropriate applicability to social issues the medium. Establish and designate
proposals that commit to the psychological community in solving social problems in our country and Latin America.
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